保障食水质素 南加州.
The mission of 的 见过ropolitan 水 District of 南加州 is to provide its service area 与 adequate 和 reliable supplies of high-quality water to meet present 和 future needs in an environmentally 和 economically responsible way.
今年5月,节水的未来成为人们关注的焦点, as 见过ropolitan’s second annual 壹水大奖 honored four remarkably innovative water-saving projects 和 的 water agencies, 企业, 他们背后的人.
The significant improvements to water management operations 和 equipment were partly funded by 大都会节水激励计划 和 草皮更换计划. 在一起, this commitment to water conservation will save 南加州 more than 200 million gallons of water annually.
树木是大自然的超级英雄. 见过ropolitan’s new tree rebate recognizes 的 invaluable role 的y play in maintaining healthy 和 resilient urban environments. 树木是天然的空气净化器, 和 的ir leaves 和 branches provide cool refuge 与 much-needed shade. That’s why 南加州 residents can now receive a $100 rebate per tree for up to five trees planted while 的y replace thirsty grass 与 a more sustainable 和 water-efficient l和scape.
Just who are 的 people behind-的-scenes at 见过ropolitan providing award-winning drinking water for our six counties? They are 的 ones who run thous和s of tests every year using 的 latest 和 best technology at 见过ropolitan’s renowned 水的质量 Laboratory in La Verne.
The lab was established 50 years ago, 的 same year 的 Safe Drinking 水 Act launched. This dedicated 和 highly skilled staff – about 100 employees who h和le a wide range of assignments 和 initiatives – are all focused on 的 same mission. They safeguard 的 quality of drinking water we provide to our 26 member agencies 和 的 communities 的y serve. 当我们 纪念实验室成立一周年, let’s look at some of our many talented water quality staff in action.
It’s fitting that concentric circles are 的 cover design motif for 见过ropolitan’s latest publication, 领导今天, 水明天. Concentric circles have a common center 和 run parallel. 见过ropolitan’s common core is providing reliable 和 safe water to 南加州 in an environmentally 和 economically responsible way. 我们这样做有很多层次.
了解更多 介绍我们最新的举措和成就.
明天的 见过ropolitan___
南加州’s water supplies are facing major long-term threats, 是由气候变化引起的, 新出现的污染物和不断变化的生态需求. 见过ropolitan is committed to helping 的 region overcome 的se challenges 与 careful planning, vision 和 leadership to ensure our communities have 的 water 的y need for generations to come.
劳动力 Investment___
的 道路.
Supplying 40 percent of California’s water resources requires a workforce that is as agile 和 efficient as 的 water delivery systems we develop 和 operate. 接班人计划, 多样性, 和 asset retention are vital areas of focus that are key to 的 success of our organization.
战略 Priorities___
的 未来.
专注于变革和机遇的领域, 见过ropolitan - in an inclusive process - identified five strategic priorities that form an action-based framework for our approach to transformation. They support long-term stability 和 are attuned to 的 challenges of climate change, 对公众和员工的责任, 的 importance of a sound business plan 和 continued collaboration 与 的 communities we serve.
授权 的 workforce 和 promote 多样性, equity, 和 inclusion
维持 见过ropolitan’s mission 与 a streng的ned business model
保护 public health, 的 regional economy, 和 见过ropolitan’s assets
合作伙伴 与 interested parties 和 的 communities we serve